ha~ hehe, ngaleh eh ari ani.
Tadi pagi, buat kaja Comm skill and then SAM. We learned Accounting today, gosh, now that I've seen it this way, I never knew how easy could it be. lol. jan eh..
Kali, after SAM, rushed home, mandi lagi, then udah siap everything, picked up my cuz and then tarus ke mall. Sampai di mall, we had to wait for almost 45 mins to start, udah start, kabak2, hahaha, hanya Tuhan yang tahu bagaimana rasanya, dtg giliranku, lega~ hahaha.
I like the ending part of the show, well, nasib jua kmi belateh di malam. The 3 of us puas ati, especially my cuz, inda pandai branti ckp "Puas ati ku eh." hahahaha. well, yea, aku pun puas ati.
Balik ke rumah, mandi lagi, smbhyg, then ke umah Tinie, buat Comm skill. Tinie cooked spagethi untuk kmi, aku telampau kanyang, and my body sakit2, inda tah selahap mana ku makan atu. lol. well lahap plg.tapi inda brapala. haha. apakan..
now, im on my bed, limpang2, pikirkan ayat untuk buat Comm skill and also blogging ani. hehehe. well, now you have it, what I had in mind.
Here are few photos masa kmi di mall tadi, that THING made me look makin bulat!

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