ha~ hehe, ngaleh eh ari ani.

ha~ hehe, ngaleh eh ari ani.
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Wohooo~ i got a new phone now. I was exremely desperate, the morning i woke up, my heart was beating so fast and i just wanted to ask for cash. but then, miracle happen. I used my money to buy that phone, its not a great series tho, but its worth it, at least im happy, extremely happy, i bought the Nokia N70i, its black and i just love it!
I was pretty sick last nite, and yet, stil am, tadi pagi, we went for an interview at one the clinic for our project assignment(inda ngaleh ka nyabut? project jua..assignment jua..). I was freezing to the max, after the interview, I went straight to the Borneo Clinic. The doctor told me that I have a high fever, and shud get an MC, hear that? SHOULD GET AN MC! but i didnt.. coz I'm worried bt that assignment..5 assignment to be exact.
What a life~ hmmmph!
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Today I went to Tutong with my friend, dari pagi, pukul 11 lalu..then stayed there till 3.30. Ngaleh eh. First stop was at the taman tamu serambangun, then.. since its friday, we turned back to the mosque..had our lunch at Wywy then head back lagi ke tamu.
My friend was suppose to have an appointment at 3, but due to me, hehe, te delay tia.. sorry man, im really2 sorry.. i tried to cheer him up tadi by talking non stop. lol. i think he's sick of that. SOWIEE~~~~!
We went home td safely, haha, ngaleh brabis, tym otw ke rumah, my back hurts a lot, cam paksa ku ubah position ku duduk, dari di malam dah my body aching ani, i totalli need a massage! nanti tah..
oh yea..mobile ku binasa~~~ waaaAA~~~ my ma bought me that masa ku form 5, i was really happy to get that.. kali.. cam.. ani.. hmmm.. cam sedih jua ku tu, ada sentimental value x ah.. cheh! i was browsing through the net for secondhand mbile.. i wana get n70..or n73.. qualitynya bagus ah.. ganya tala manyak fulus.. sabar saja lah..so yea. kepada pembaca2 blog ini, silalah hulurkan derma kepada saya, haha, agar saya dpt membali mbile baru. hahaha. nada dih.
oh well, i need to rest, lalah to d max ku dah.. kan rehat ku dulu. c ya.
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 6:29 PM 0 comments
Diriku hanyalah menumpang..
kebahagiaan yang kau miliki,
menyentuh hatiku.
Aku yang merasa.
Takdir penentu segala.
Inginku luahkan,
rasa cinta di dada,
tiap kali,
daku bersua denganmu.
Ingin saja ku terus dakap dirimu,
bila dirimu,
berada di hadapanku.
aku takut,
kau takkan dapat menerimanya,
Hanya Tuhan yang tahu,
akan jalan hidup ini..
Saat kau bertemu dengannya,
mengatakan erti cinta mu,
erti tulus kasihmu,
sambil pegang erat tangannya,
dakap teguh dirinya..
aku ingin menjadinya,
semua itu tak bisa...
Walau berat,
hati ini tuk lepaskan mu,
aku tetap redha.
Belailah dirinya,
seperti daku,
kan membelaimu,
kucupilah cintanya,
seperti akan ku laku..
Jangan oh jangan..
ku mohon padamu,
Tinggalkan dirinya..
Salam akhir buat kekasih gelapku..
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 5:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, 8 13 pm.
Gosh! tadi kmi baru abis PC test, and it was really hard! Khaliq was right, I should've focused on the practical more, daym~
Abis test, semua merungut, sorang-sorang bising, including me, I'm pretty sure that I will get an F for this. To release my tension, cam biasa, bawa makan. The sardine roll or whatever you wana call it..is really GOOD!
Allowance kmi balum ada, its been weeks, more than 10 days dah, shud I face the admins again? Come on.. we have assignment coming up, I need to buy my printer's catridge, I need to pay my books and yes, assignment..beguna x ah! Hmm.. sabar sajalah..
I'm getting bald.. ingau ku eh, inda jua lawa tu if bald, Eddy suggested me to shave my head off, and back from the basic..meaning..menjaga rambut darinya nada to ada. lol. Indaku mau eh cukur dulu tym ani, nantitah maybe during PIA.. or I could just go for treatment.. ya lah.. Elaun ah.. hahaha.. hampa..
Bah, wana rest first, tiredness~
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Beauty and the beast..
sekilas pandang,
daku terpegun,
"Wah.. ayunya gadis ini.."
dalam senyumanmu,
membuat daku terdiam,
berkata-kata dalam hati,
mengungkapkan kiasan indah,
tentang dirimu.
Hati berdegup kencang,
pabila daku bersua denganmu,
tatatertib mu,
ketika kau menuturkan kata-kata,
ketika kau bergelak ketawa,
ah.. indahnya jika kau tahu..
itulah anggapanku pada diri ini,
berhidung penyek,
berbadan besar,
bersuara lantang,
cukup untuk menggegarkan satu ruang,
dengan keolahanku yang kasar.
jauh di sudut hati,
duduknya perasaan kasih,
ingin membelai,
ingin mencinta,
jauh di sudut hati yang lain,
duduknya perasaan takut,
malu berkata,
tak berkeyakinan,
kurang kepercayaan
dan semangat..
sejak perkenalan kita,
aku mula merasa ganjil,
dunia mula terasa indah,
bunga mula berbau harum,
awan mula berwarna cerah..
ku sedar,
kau bukan seorang lagi,
hati mu sudah dicuri orang,
daku sedikit hampa,
daku sedar akan diriku,
bagaimana asal usulku,
sejauh mana kemampuanku,
tidak ada tandingnya dengan dirinya,
yang telah memilikmu.
aku salah,
kerna sering berpikir bahwa,
kau takkan memilih jejaka sepertiku,
tapi hati ini kuat sekali mengatakan,
mungkin prasangka ku itu benar.
Titisan airmata,
hanya mampu ku berikan,
baru pertama kali,
aku menangis,
atas kerana cinta,
aku tak mampu berbuat apa,
hanya mampu menerima,
takdir yang telah diberi.
aku harus sedar,
dari lamunanku,
aku harus sedar,
dari mimpiku,
terima kenyataan,
terima realiti,
hidup ini.
Daku mengundurkan diri,
kerna takut diri ini di benci,
kebahagiaanku terletak,
di ukiran indah senyummu.
Biarlah hikayat beauty dan the beast,
tinggal hikayat,
kisah dongeng yang takkan bisa,
menjadi kenyataan.
hikayat beauty dan beast,
berakhir di sini.
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Tonite, i missed the tuition class, sal keta kana pakai. I am so worried about tomoro's subject, Programming. I havent done the homework, I texted Eddy earlier tadi, but nada reply. DI! Mana ko?? Why off mobile mu?? Waaa~!
I am actually searching for samples from the internet, hoping to solve this prob. lol. sian kan?? apa sian-sian! tiwasan!
Sambil2 mbuat kaja, sambil meliat America's Music Award, aku kajut liat nicole from PCD was not as good as she was from the CD, she seemed nervous, maybe lah ah.. sian.. biasa tu eh, everyone pun nervous on stage. haha. cm si banar aku ah.
Adui.. mana tia kawanku sorang ani.. tido x.. God.. I pray for MM's happiness, hope that she wont be angry and she wont be harsh to us.Amin.
Laugh all u want..payah x ah..
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Today's sunday, I woke up pretty late tadi, my mom knocked my door and minta kunci keta. Kali my friend pm me on my yahoo, lol, bek jua ngam2 ku bangun. A few moments later, baru tah ku ingat, rupanya aku ada plan ari ani.
Ptg tadi I went out with Amal and Asde, I was hoping a fun and noisy day with them.. turns out to be SILENT, I was totally bothered by that and kept on nagging to them ."apa hal kmu diam2 ani?" "saja~ " si Amal replied. cam..eh.. sasak jua ku tu ah. Kali..as someone yang inda tahan diam2..aku tah mulakan begila..at last riuh jua skit. haha.
I saw si Acun tadi jalan2 di mall, hahaha, kedapatan.. baik.. elaun orang atu kluar lagi.. haha. padan libar senyumnya. ahahaha. Tym ani kmi kapih ni.. sabar saja lah dayat.
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Tadi pagi aku dgni my adi begunting, and before we went into the car, he couldnt stop telling me not to ask the indian to give the bald cut. I said "Eh. mama suruh gundul x ah." Ia lawan balik, katanya, inda lawa, inda rugget and ngaleh ia panjangkan rambutnya.. actually he wanted to cut his hair..but my mum insisted him to do so, so yea, ikut saja tia..
Kali, at the barbershop, the barber asked me gaya cana my adi mau.. I asked him"dik, gundul ah?" skali.. he did the long face.. sad eyes and very puppy-ish look, udah catu muanya.. haha.. aku apa lagi.. as a brother.. inda sampai ati, so i told the barber.."kasi ia GA saja.." baru tia senyum skit.. pandai adiku atu, he knows that look can kill me. haha. kali ada tia nambah.."Ala..spiky la.." "belabih~ mbayar sendiri ko karang.." balasku.. jangan.. sayangku tu adi ku tu.
I hope bisuk will be fun.
Just now, I went out with my classmate to buy a cake and some deco stuff. We were using one ride only and to tell you the truth I WAS REALLY-REALLY SCARED just now-yea, wohooo! to all those speed lover, but not to me, most of the time aku TUTUP MATA. HAHAHA. If you were me, you wud feel the same too.. of course.. you might laugh or jump kesiukan.. tapi.. dalam ati.. abak-abak jua.. hahaa...
kali, we went to mum's bakery to buy a cake. we booked a 3 pounds FULLY CHOCOLATE filled cake.. yummy(hopefully).. King a.k.a Lahar Boy was feeling ragu-ragu about the cake, mula2 we wanted to get 2 pounds saja.. kali Lahar boy kata.. "Why not 3 pounds? Alang2 jua kan.."kali kami pun agree.. then King cakap lagi.."bah..4 pound tah.." then I said.."Why are you going higher and higher?" well.. andangnya.. CHOCOLATE CAKE kali ah.. sapa inda mau labih? haha.
Oh yea.. sal apa i called si King - Lahar boy..coz..almost every sentence ia cakap..tentu ada the word LAHAR included..WHAT IS LAHAR?????? hahaha. Kali the other guy, Maie..haha, he's so funny, kajap2 tentu ada ia giggle..usually at the end of his sentence or at the beginning. haha. sama cam text ku ani.. u'll see the word "HAHA" bejuritan everywhere in my sentences..
anyway.. rehat ku dulu.. hehe.. deskchecking ku lum bebuat.. krg ZERO! Isuk raya (again!) and teacher's day!(and again!!!) lol.
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 8:36 PM 2 comments
Today, most of us were feeling dizzy and tired just as i was, why? well.. we had a test just now, and the thing about test, we were revising really hard the nite before, without looking at the time. Eddy, Khaliq and Iza were there too at my place, refreshing the things we learnt before and yea..I DONT LIKE Z80! Eddy slept over at my place, haha, it was fun to revise together with them.
I was feeling okay in the morning, although I just had 2 hours plus of sleep only. I was excited to sit for the test and yea, this saturday, we're gona have an open class for belated raya and teacher's day celebration, so tadi, me, Acun and Azwan went out to deal with the invitation card.
A funny thing happened just now, when I was somewhere around the college, Acun and Azwan were like "its your chance Dayat~". I was acting like a fool that time, but yea, I just had to do it. I went inside and gave the inv. card to someone, someone who I dont think will talk to me. As a guy, I made a fool of my self, dropping the cards and you know what did I do? I simply kneeled down - kata Azwan - AYU - just to pick it up. Argghh!!! Maluku eh! How could that happen? It was the most nerve racking moment I had ever in my life, I was never that nervous and yea, I am totally embarrassed eh..shoot..
Anyway, at least I got a chance to talk to that person even just in a few seconds. lol. Anyhow, I am in my room right now, waiting for the other Group Leaders to go online, where I had asked them to, to ask for their confirmation on what are they gona bring this saturday. Let's hope, makanan cukup and everything will go smoothly as planned.
p/s:missing ur smile. lol.
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 8:27 PM 1 comments
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
kmu bla peksa?
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
lalah ku mbaca.. buring ku
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
huahuahuahua gud luk bro
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
u 2. mls ku eh lagi
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
yo quit tni yo
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
haha, yea, aku plan catu plg bro
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
aku pn bh,bkn plng giv up bt i feel mcm kucar kacir bh
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
nda menan2 g kn peksanya ah
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
yea, antah, kusutku wah lehnya
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
makin batah makin payah
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
mudahan jua dpt tahan til next year eh
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
and til bis HND
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
au yo...hm rh kmi pun jua bh,ialah sasax ku ni
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
kmi wa cuti nanti mbuat project ah
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
gila ah itb ani,
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
Iakan? apa?
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
awu, aku pn kusut. its not that hard banarnya, ganya, cam tani atu luan mls
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
aku pun projek rehatkn utak ,huahua huahua
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
lol. i mean.. aku atuluan malas..
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
bunuh diriku
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
maybe aku pun jua bh,bt maths nya ah babal ku lehnya bh.nda pandai paham bh
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
tpi nda apa cup, bejanji tani yo, betahan sampai abis HND, pastu if kan nymbung, nyambung, if not... kaja.. or kawin
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
awu, aku programming ah
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
cana, u up for it man?
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
buat masa ani biar tia sakit dulu
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
talking bt sakit, mlr dah ku aher eh
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
apa ko peksa program kh?
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
aku ada plng plan cma2
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
plan apa?
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
do u tink,we will with hnd?
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
au x ah?
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
hey..buleh tu eh..i wana see u two wearing that same black attire on the HND graduation day nanti..holding sijil and taking picture together dgn kmu..
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
nda tu eh..we can do it cup..yes we can.. u up for that??
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
yea au eh,but hnd warna putih jua,jubah biru
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
haha, watever the color is
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
we can do it, ok tu ah? i want if bleh.. sorang down.. ada shoulder to support.. ada kawan to bangunkan..
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
au eh both of us down tni,bgn sama2 jua yo...
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
WE try ok?
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
wajib try
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
haha au ei
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
haha. buleh ni..its only one month to go..
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
i mean..to the holiday..lol
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
then after that, semangat tani, kancangi tia! hahaha..over..
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
we can do it bro?
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
eh msa ani na kira over kh nda kh yg penting ok
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
yes WE CAN. Tani bleh make it through masa form 5.. we can make it through masa Teknikal.. we can make it through Now.. we are not stupid.. we are smart..
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
yup dats true dats true...
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
yea.. it feels better npw
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
ilh ada 1 mth g wah f ku pkir2, cam syg bh bek tah bnr2i
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
haha au eh,we try yat eh...
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
you're gona hold your words to finish ur HND a
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
hehe. aku inda puas ati dgn marks ku.. so.. kan score dist ku
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
au lah f dpt we try to score higher grades,gugurnya pun k merit juakan...
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
si taie sul nya aku ah
taco...nacho....tobacco...doritos....chachos...cheeetos.. cyg grah lalenk says:
eh msane ani nda kira yat c taie kh over kh,asal dpt bro...
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
hehe, this is whats cool bt ko ani, never tired of giving encouraging msgs
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
Md Dayat - brownish. says:
ok tu, we can do it
"Teman, apalah hidup tanpa dirimu"
"Perjuangan tanpa teman bukti satu kegagahan, perjuangan dengan teman, bukti satu kejayaan"
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 10:20 PM 1 comments
me-with my -hey~smile.
me and Azwan-stressed out during Assignment week.(lol. not Azwan. he just love the cam)
me-being serious and blank! haha. i just love tat jacket.
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 12:13 AM 0 comments
Kana Cetakan oleh:- Dayat at 12:14 PM 0 comments