Adakah Awda Stress? belilah majalah Playboy ini (yang covernya ani ah, bukan yang lain) hahaha.

Dui..probably he needs a car..(NO. IM NOT GIVING AWAY MY CAR)

Is this being too lazy or rajin sangat?

This is what I call a tight security measure.

Err..orang blakang atu saja2 or plastic atu sakit?

Just like doraemon, write whereever you want on that board and tarus ke sana tu. (Writing down...Paris! Paris!)

This is another type of security measure..but plainly stupid.

Jom teman2. kalau letih main bola, kita main golf, lepas tu boleh mandi. La La La~

Jaga gugur Jun!

Way back in the years of where CREATIVITY is in mix with ECONOMY crisis, terciptalah..Filter Butul plastic bekaran.
Hehe. Jgn mental meliat ye.. if mental.. like I said.. belilah majalah Playboy yang becover di atas tadi atu saja ah. confirm. pingsan. hilang masalah.
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