I just got back from KK, sorry for MIA for the past 3 days.
Anyway, first's first. I've read Azwan's blog, hehehe, i know u want the pictures, tapi wan tiada banyak bah. hahaha. These are all I have. enjoy!
I met Kai, kawan si Azwan. haha. muanya cam my old friend, si cup. Tapi like Azwan said, his a bit tutup lampung, jahat ko wan ah. hahaha. We cracked a lot, ada one joke ani, nobody got it, and I was like ..SOMEONE STAB ME WITH THE FORK! hahaha. anyways, it was really late. Gila, lalah x ah, udah tah patang atu, we had a mini party at OGH, kali hung out dgn GT, hehe, buring ku wah that nyt, so, went out la.

Halim maseh lagi mencari stock makanan. hehe.
this is us.. hehe.. Acun Amik Gamba..

Acun and halim.
Ok then, the KK trip! We went off to KK on Sunday. We as in, me and my family, my bro and his family and family wifenya. heheh.
Kali, we checked in to Api-api Centre, biliknya.. ok la.. so.. first day.. we went to Centrepoint Sabah. siuk eh.but too bad, I was too tired by then, brapa jam dalam keta, sangal yo.

Just some random pics
Went back to our apartment and had our rest. Isuknya we started off our day by having a breakfast at Restoran Seri Malindo. The breakfast was alrite~ haha.
Kali went to Centrepoint, bali shades and Parkson, to get some t-shirt, hehehe, lawa2 bajunya. gila~
Then third day, bali pants lagi. oh yea, i met a beggar sana, sian, cacat, putut tangannya, kami donate la few dollar rahnya. Sian brabis, nya my mum, sayang, muanya lawa, tapi idupnya catu. Macam2 lah yang kmi nmpak di KK.
Ada orang gila.. telanjang ah. hahaha. then arah parkson ada this japanese guy, i think he's broke, kan balik, tapi nada duit, so he was trying to sell off his n90 to us, to my dad specifically, kali, he doesnt speak English, chinese nor Malay and we dont speak Japanese. hahaha. kan jualnya rh kmi RM 500, haha, kmi mau tawar, kali ia cam antah, mau jua, nda jua, altho kmi inda to cna kan communicate, tapi at last, kmi reject. Then ada lagi this chinese buddhist guy, ia kn minta sdakah rh ku, he wanted to give me the pendant, tapi, no offense, inda ku brani wah, im a muslim, and he was trying to give me something which is out of my religion, so ku rejek la, plus he was talking in chinese language, i told him i dont speak chinese, but majal, makin laju cakapnya, pisan ku mbubut.
And then tadi.. otw kmi balik, we encountered an accident, the driver is a lady, pregnant! and ada anaknya sorang lagi ikut. mula2 the son pengsan, damit plg maseh anaknya atu, then the lady was pulled out, that was my first time, liat orang belumuran darah, i mean, brabis lah. Apa yang ku ngeri lagi, the baby inside parutnya ah. sian eh. hope she's alrite.. Amin..
Anyway.. time to sleep. n yea.. sal p2f atu.. ill tell u after tomoro. :P
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